Thursday 17 October 2013


      The purpose of a storyboard is to have a clear and detailed plan of what we intend to do and how we will do it. This detail shows the camera shots, lighting and other specific features that we intend to use in the creation of our music video. Also a storyboard can highlight any issues we have with our ideas as not everything can work. As we display each frame with a picture, we can get a more informed view of how we want the video to look and all the features in it. We can also use it as guidance when we actually create the music video to make sure we don't go off track and that we are including all the features the that we want. 

     The primary research that we carried out, is videos from our own experience at festivals such as V festival. As we recorded this first hand we could refer to it when planning our music video. Also the videos are at live DJ's playing dance music which relates to our genre. We analysed these videos by looking at factors such as the crowd, music and atmosphere. This helped us relay it to our plan as we want to recreate many of these factors in our music video. The secondary research that we carried out was evaluating the techniques that other dance videos used in order to create success. These included videos from our chosen artist Avicii, as well as artists such as Daft Punk. We used a lot of technical features from these such as camera angles, setting, lighting, iconography and characters. 

     We made story boards my creating detailed summaries for each scene. These included a hand-drawn picture of what we want the scene to look like. We followed our written plan here however, we did come across some issues with the written plan that wouldn't be practical and therefore effective. An example of this was that we originally planned on having long-shots of the characters waking up in the first scene. However, the picture that we drew illustrated that this would be ineffective as it would look un-professional and boring. We therefore decided to start with a close up of a bottle of alcohol to represent the partying lifestyle.  

      We shared the responsibility by all making an input into what we thought should be in the story board and deciding on the best plan of action. If we have a decision which was undecided then we went with the majority vote. However, we also wrote down the decisions that other members had so that we can refer to them if something doesn't work. 

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining why storyboards are important to consider within a production and the storyboards that you have included, demonstrates some group planning.

    Did you follow your plans, or did you make any changes?
