Monday 14 October 2013


To evaluate, the purpose of a target audience is to ensure that the music video follows its genre which appeals to a group of people. This allows the video to become a success and sell lots, which is the main aim of the artist and record company. We carried out research by doing a questionnaire analysing 40 peoples thoughts on music videos. This is so we could gain information on the mass audience, so that we can gain results about our target audience as what the majority of them like. We then presented these results in a pie chart form for each question. This allowed us to view the results in a clear format without having to calculate or read statistics. Therefore, this process allowed us to see what the most important factors were for our creation of the music video. This was very successful and has provided us with a lot of information on what our target audience like/dislike. However, in hindsight I feel as though we should have asked more specific questions that would help us more with the music video, about what they dislike. Rather than questions such as 'do you like Avicii?' I feel that we should have asked more analytical questions which would show some criticism. For example, asking 'what common features don't you like of a dance genre music video?'

Also we interviewed 5 people and made a Vox Pops video showing the results. We could gain extended information from these results as we could see the reaction the person we were asking, was giving. Therefore we could analyse their body language and emotions they felt about each topic. We noted these down and will use the results in our music video. This was also very successful, however I feel that our only downfall was that we didn't get any more videos to provide us with a more rounded and informed approach to our music video.

In the planning for our music video we learnt about subcultures that can be used and the theories that summarise these. For our video we have decided that the CCCS theory is most appropriate as it applies to our video the most. This theory is correlates to our music video as we are using the dance genre. This shows that we are rebelling against the main genre, which is Pop and therefore our music video should be more unique as it won't appeal to everyone, but our target audience. The CCCS's theory describes that all music comes from the mainstream genre which is Pop and artists rebel against it in order to make their video unique. 

After much deliberation and reference to our questionnaire and vox pox, we have decided that our video will be 20% performance, 20% concept and 60% narrative, as we feel that we will have a good mixture to relate to the song. We discovered through much research that most dance-themed music videos are performance based videos. We therefore have chosen to go against this common convention to make our video unique by going with a majority narrative music video. However, we want to include performance and concept techniques so that we can fit in some subcultures. This will make our music video more diverse and creative which will appeal to a wider target audience. The performance aspect will show the characters dancing at a party. This is so that the audience will be entertained by this dancing. The concept aspect will be shown by the story that the characters relay. This is that family is more important than the teen culture of today, which entails, going out partying and having this carefree lifestyle which is so common in today's society. The narrative will be the characters partying the night before and their journey home after this partying.

1 comment:

  1. Your evaluation demonstrates some understanding of the primary research that you carried out. Also it is clear to see how your research will assist you with planning your own music video.

    Aim to focus more on the results that you received, and how it helped to you plan your music video ideas and style.

    You have also explained how your music video will follow the CCC's theory, but you to relate to more detailed examples from your music video, to support the points that you have made. Finally include the other two subculture theories within this post.
