Thursday 3 October 2013

Research into chosen Music Genre

Dance is my favourite music genre and I have always been passionate about it. It is a genre that is popular within the new generation of young people and the charts consist of a lot  of dance music. This is due to its high demand in the club scene, which has made many DJs successful artists. Also watching DJs live at festivals such as V festival has increased my passion for dance music. We have chosen this genre as it is very relevant to us, being teenagers. Also dance music is very popular in this young generation and lots of people will simply enjoy the video for this fact. Also it is up beat and will make the viewer want to dance and sing along to it. This also relates to the party scenes as dance music is predominately played in clubs and the majority of young people enjoy clubbing and hearing this music. Diclosure are one of my favourite dance genre artists and they are similar to Avicii in the styles and conventions that they use in order to make their videos a success. 

Different camera shots are used throughout for different purposes and to promote certain feelings for the audience. A mid-shot is used at the beginning of the video, when the artists first meet. This then changes into a close up when they start talking and show intimacy to one another. The is to signify how they have got closer from when they initially met.

A smokey red colored filter is used when they are in the bar at the beginning of this video. This is to give a cool, relaxed effect to the music video. It is used to show the artists view on socialising and going out and what it entails when this artist goes out. This is very unconventional as most dance music videos have a lot of strobe lighting and a darkness technique to promote the mad partying atmosphere. However, Disclosure has chosen a different technique which is almost trend setting and unique, which an audience will enjoy as it is refreshing to see a new angle on this 'party lifestyle'.

The target audience of this video is the younger generation from 16-28. This is because it is a dance song which is often played in clubs. Also the artist is promoting being young and the early stages of a relationship. Therefore, many teenagers can relate to this as they are going through the same stages of meeting their first boyfriends or girlfriends. However, as disclosure have used different, unique techniques for a dance video it could appeal to people slightly older.

The artist is represented as a normal person. This is because there is no emphasis on expensive clothing or jewellery (which a lot of other artists use) but instead the emphasis is on relationships between normal people and falling in love. This is unconventional for a dance video as usually they are representing as party animals who are above their audience as well as everybody else.

The style of the video is predominantly concept. This is because the artist focuses on showing the beginning of relationships of different kinds and the joy that comes with them. This is very unconventional to the dance genre as pop or other genres usually focus on promoting this ideology. The evidence for this is shown by a number of different couples, including 2 women and a man and a women, to show how anyone can fall in love no matter what gender or characteristics. This is an important point as disclosure is promoting a big ideology that love can be between anyone.

The characteristics of Goodwins theory is used in the music video with a promotional technique. This is seen when there are glimpses of the artists album cover shown on the characters faces using editing. This makes the audience become familiar with this sign without them even realising and they therefore want to purchase the album if they like this song. This is because they will want to hear the other tacks on the album .There is also constant references to voyeuristic treatment of the female body. This is shown when one of the couples are laying in bed and the female has only her underwear on, where as the male is fully clothed. This is used to appeal to the audience.  

This video is 70% concept based, 20% narrative and 10% performance. This is due to the vast majority of the video displaying the ideology of a new relationship and the lifestyles of the characters. However, performance is also shown when the artists themselves are performing towards the end at one of their gigs. This is shot from the crowd in order to show the atmosphere at there gigs and to therefore promote themselves. The narrative part shows the start of a new relationship between a boy and a girl and the joys of this experience. 

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates a proficient understanding of your chosen music genre. You have made a start in analysing one music video, which demonstrates your understanding of the dance conventions well. Aim to include still images to support the points that you have made.

    Aim to include a summary to explain how your research will assist you with planning your music video. This can be achieved by focusing on your research and inspirations that you have gained.
