Tuesday 17 December 2013

Lyric analysis

The hidden meaning behind these lyrics is to have fun when you are in your youth but get to grips with your life when you are older and growing up. This is by finding yourself and becoming wise. 'Wish that I could stay forever this young' is a line which shows how the artist enjoys his youth due to having no worries or responsibilities. However, he contrasts this by saying how he should be woken up when he is older, in order to settle down and have a structured life. He also says that he 'didn't know' he was 'lost', as he had experienced so much fun and had been deluded by this being the most important thing in life. However, he contradicts himself by saying that he wishes he could stay young forever to show how its the right thing to change although he had a lot of fun.  

1 comment:

  1. You have analysed your lyrics well and it is evident to see some of the planning that you have started to consider, in the form of your style and locations. Now you need to focus on the rest of your music video and the other locations and narratives that you would like to use, based on your annotations.
