Thursday 13 March 2014

Filming schedule

Filming schedules are very important in the procedure of making a video as they allow you to be organised and efficient with the meeting times and give a detailed idea into what is needed to be done for each shot. It allows the group to agree on a date and time (according to who is needed for that particular scene), the location where they must meet, the content of the shot and type of shot, the costumes needed for the characters in the shot, the iconography that is essential for the setting, the personnel that must attend and the equipment that must be provided in order to be able to get the perfect shot. 

Firstly we organised our schedule to film the party scene in our music video. This was the most important scene as it made up a large bulk of the video and we therefore needed to get a lot of high quality footage that we would later edit into the video. This went swimmingly well as we filmed it all at my birthday disco, making it the ideal opportunity to film realistic footage which would be portrayed so to the audience. We all attended the party and Amy filmed me and George in various shots as well as the party itself. The filming schedule was essential in the success here as it allowed us to get all the necessary equipment and costumes organised before going to the party. We didn't have to do much in terms of getting iconography as it was already there and was actually being used making it very realistic. For example the shot of the wine glasses was us improvising and it was very successful even though we didn't need to set it up. However, we did also spend time tweaking shots in order to gain the optimum outcome. For example we got a group of girls to bang their glasses together replicating a 'cheers'. We shot this from a high angle as it was interesting and different.

Our next scene was shot in London and the we worked well once again in an organised fashion. We followed the schedule in terms of content and managed to get the required shots. However, we ending up staying a lot longer than planned and this was the biggest downfall of the filming overall. We ending up staying 2 hours later as it took us a lot longer to find the correct setting for the scene than we predicted. We knew we wanted to do it on the London Embankment, however we did not specify exactly where we would go so we had to improvise. Also the weather conditions changed slightly as we were late on schedule to film, giving our scene a slightly darker lighting than we wanted. We did however come back with a lot of good footage that we could use in the music video and therefore we didn't have to re-film any of it, allowing us to spend the required time editing the footage. 

Our last scene was of the two characters houses. As there was no one disturbing us at either of the locations this was the easiest to film and we did it quickly and efficiently. This is because we were very familiar with the houses (as they we ours) and therefore could plan exactly how we wanted the scenes to pan out. We did this in detail before hand and then went to the houses and carried out exactly what we planned without having to improvise or change anything.

This filming schedule was essential to us in creating this music video as it allowed us to make a detailed plan of what we wanted to do at each location before going there. This organisation meant that we always filmed the right shots and didn't have to go back and re film any of it. We were all able to communicate well through this as everyone could say when they were free to participate and we could agree on dates and times. The only disappointment from this is that we didn't plan the London scene thoroughly enough resulting in us wasting time in finding the perfect location. Overall however, I was extremely please with the way our grouped organised ourselves and it resulted in us gaining optimum time to edit all the footage and this was thanks to the filming schedule organising us completely. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what a filming schedules and how it benefits the planning of a production. Aim to include a summary, to explain if your followed the schedule, or if you made an changes and why?
