Tuesday 10 September 2013

Research into Goodwin's Theory

Disclosure- Latch 

Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics. For a dance video such as Latch, the setting is a gig, where the artist is performing, but the view is from the crowd looking up to the artist. It contains performance as well as a narrative which is very common in music videos. They often show the club scene or a gig which has been used here. This is to promote their party lifestyle and for all their fans to see the ideology as cool.

The genre characteristic is a dance video. The relationship between the lyrics and visuals are that the visuals illustrate the lyrics. In this case the song is about the start of a relationship and the video shows how they are starting to form this relationship in a club. The lyrics illustrate this by the artist declaring his love for this girl in the first verse matched with the audience viewing their relationship on screen as the go traveling. They are seen flirting here which relates to the lyrics. It also shows all the ups and downs as we see the characters laughing and crying. The lyrics 'i'm latching onto you' correlates with them packing their bags and going traveling together. With very little money, the images illustrate how all that they need each other.

The music and visuals contradict and illustrate one another at different points of the video. The up-beat music used at the beginning of this song matches the couples meeting and this happy concept.
At the beginning of the video we see the characters dancing to the music in a club. Towards the middle and end we see a 3 newly made relationship unfold and this is not to do with dance. Flashing lights are shown on the couple to emphasise this contradiction between the relationship and the music. 

There are few close ups showing disclosure which the record label have included for the artists to be relatable to their audience and fans. These are seen when they are performing. This is a technique that the record label have used in order to attract the audience to buy ticket to watch the live on tour and shows. This is because the audience is made to feel like they want to be at this club scene with the artist. Also this relates to the narrative, as the couples all are at this gig and are shown having a good time. Therefore the audience is made to see this and want to also enjoy this experience. 

Initially, there are a few shots showing voyeuristic treatment of the female body when the couple is in the bedroom together and she is showing her body off wearing only underwear. This is to make the video have a controversial and edgy effect, which appeals to the audience as they are lured in by her beauty. After watching this a lot of girls will also be in awe of her body and therefore look up to the artist even more as they see them as superior.

The intertexual reference is to TV programs in general as there is often a relationship that is the main focus. Also they are promoting apple as we see a man in the club on an IPhone. This will make the viewer want to buy an iPhone as the like to copy their idols. Also at the end of the video the record company promotes the artist album by showing the design of the album cover on the characters faces in the video. This is a technique to promote the whole album and the rest of the songs as the audience will see this and buy the album if they like the song. Also, it represents how all the characters are part of this group with this lifestyle. The audience will therefor want to buy it in order to feel the same as they look up to their favorite artists. 

This video is 70% concept based, 20% narrative and 10% performance. This is due to the vast majority of the video displaying the ideology of a new relationship and the lifestyles of the characters. However, performance is also shown when the artists themselves are performing towards the end at one of their gigs. This is shot from the crowd in order to show the atmosphere at there gigs and to therefore promote themselves. The narrative part shows the start of a new relationship between a boy and a girl and the joys of this experience. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of Goodwin's music video theory. You have included the correct points and examples, but further explanation of the theory is needed. This can be achieved, by explaining how the video appeals to an audience.

    Aim to include a summary to explain how your research will assist you with planning your own music video. Finally aim to include still images to support your points.
